



賈伯斯的另類療法 « 矽谷中醫損友團  



‘To the horror of his friends and wife, Jobs decided not to have surgery to remove the tumor, which was the only accepted medical approach. “I really didn’t want them to open up my body, so I tried to see if a few other things would work,” he told me years later with a hint of regret. Specifically, he kept to a strict vegan diet, with large quantities of fresh carrot and fruit juices. To that regimen he added acupuncture, a variety of herbal remedies, and occasionally a few other treatments he found on the Internet or by consulting people around the country, including a psychic. For a while he was under the sway of a doctor who operated a natural healing clinic in southern California that stressed the use of organic herbs, juice fasts, frequent bowel cleansings, hydrotherapy, and the expression of all negative feelings.’




‘Specifically, he kept to a strict vegan diet, with large quantities of fresh carrot and fruit juices.’


癌症,在中醫的理論上屬於陰實,基本上是體內極寒的表現。在這種情況下,嚴格的素食、大量的生菜、及大量的果汁,只會把身體搞的更寒,對癌症是有害無利的。有一派另類療法,叫做Gerson Therapy,強調大量的蔬果汁,我了解的不多,無法評論,但是,很肯定的,那不是中醫的療法。


‘… stressed the use of organic herbs, juice fasts, frequent bowel cleansings, hydrotherapy, and the expression of all negative feelings.’






伯斯的另類療法、開刀、化療、及其它先進的西醫治療,是否對他有幫助?哪些治療是有用的?哪些治療是無用的?我們很難猜測。不過,賈伯斯確實存活的比西醫統計多很多年,以賈伯斯的情況而言,神經內分泌腫瘤確診後的平均存活只有三個半月,即使是一般的胰臟癌,五年的存活率只有百分之四,賈伯斯存活了八年,就西醫而言,已經是很少有的了!或許,賈伯斯本人的意志力是讓他能存活多年的真正原因!無論如何,絕不能把它說成「賈伯斯試過中醫,可是沒有用」!而賈伯斯本人有沒有後悔嘗試另類療法,文中說 ‘….he told me years later with a hint of regret’,後不後悔只是作者的感覺,更何況當人走到盡頭時,都會回頭猜想如果當年走上那條沒走的路,今天不知道是個怎樣的結局?對人生單選題的感慨,不一定代表對當年的選擇後悔, 作者的猜測或許有所失真。


是的,或許你會問,為什麼在矽谷的我們沒有向賈伯斯推薦中醫? 不是沒有,好幾位我的病人主動寫郵件及傳真給賈伯斯,我想都被秘書當做無稽之談丟掉了,就算是傳到賈伯斯手上,或許也只是一笑置之,畢竟,中醫要走上主流,還需要很多的努力!


  (Andy Lee 李宗恩 @ Palo Alto, 我的中文部落格「當張仲景遇上史丹佛」:

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